

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Australia Day 2010

What a way to spend Australia Day! A group of us from the church on Monday 25th January cycled up Australia's highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, pitched our tents on the summit and watched the Australia Day sunrise from the top of the continent! What a great experience!

Well, when I said 'cycled' that might have been a bit of an exaggeration. Most of us managed at cycle the first 4 kms to the famous Snowy River. As the road steepened though the only option for the unfit ones (me included) was to push the bike up the rest of the way.

After 2 hours of puffing and panting we reached the top. We were greeted by an awesome view and an incredible sunset and we quickly got camp set up before the light faded.

Dinner was a selection of whatever rations we had shoved into our back-packs and it wasn't long before we retired to the tents and swags.

We were up as the light began to break through the black in the east and we walked the few meters to the summit to watch the sunrise over Australia.

Once camp was packed up the fun started as we cycled the 9km's downhill back to the cars. A great experience!


  1. Awesome photos! It must have been such a unique experience on top of that mountain. Almost as good as watching the sun come up over a water hole in the bush!!!!

  2. Did you watch the video too Dad?
