

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Josiah's first week

Caleb has had great fun getting to know his new baby brother. He gets really excited whenever he comes through to the hospital and gives little Josiah hugs and cuddles and kisses.

These first few days the new little guy has slept loads and loads. He definately likes being rugged up and cuddled. Every so often we're treated to Josiah opening up his eyes and looking up at us with his dark little eyes.

Josiah is a great little time-waster. You can spend hours just staring at him as he wriggles and restson your lap. Some of the little man's facial expressions are classic.

Yesterday we gave Jos his first bath. Caleb didn't enjoy his first bath at all so we were a bit nervous...but he loved it. not a squeak out of him during the bath time; only a bit of a cry when we pulled him out and towelled him off. I think we have a water baby on our hands!

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