

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mountain Trails

In January, Bekk and I were invited to go and preach at a camp way out north at a place called Mountain Trails. We were to do the Tuesday evening and the Wednesday morning sessions and so we headed out straight after work on the Tuesday and made our way over the Brindabella Mountains and eventually arrived.
I preached in the evening and then we headed back home only to do the trip out there again in the morning.

Whilst Bekk was talking to the kids though, Caleb and I were taken for a tour around the place by Ivan. Caleb couldn't believe his luck when he was shown the massive trampoline to play on! and Caleb got to meet some of the residents...
Caleb was at first a bit nervous with the tiny 2 day old chick but after realising that it would not bite his finger off he loved playing with the little guy.
"We got a goat too! His name is Billy."
This goat was a heap friendlier that Billy at Waterfall Drive was and Caleb had no problems petting this guy.

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