

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Christmas 2009

Finally a month and a bit after the event we finally have our pictures from Christmas downloaded and ready to share!

It was a ridiculously busy time for us again. First up we moved house on Christmas Eve from Jerra to Wanniassa. The Cathie's invited us over for a Christmas Eve dinner and we had a wonderful time! Abel and David also joined us. After a great BBQ dinner we watched the carols concert and then topped the evening off with the gingerbread house that Pat and Virginia made and Bex renowned berry pavlova!

We woke tired and stiff on Christmas Day to find it cool and rainy! Out first decent rain in months! Caleb was quickly up and rummaging through his stocking... and then it was pressie time! Once the discarded wrapping paper was thrown in the bin it was straight to the Christmas morning service at church and then in the car heading down to the B & B for a couple of days.

We arrived just in time for Christmas lunch and what a feast we had! Great food, wet and gloomy weather outside, good company...what more can you ask for?!

The second pressie-time for the day came after lunch and it was a mighty freeforall with Caleb and his 2nd cousin Ellie Grace plowing their way through the mountains of gifts! Early to bed after two massive days and a very comfortable sleep! Good times!

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