

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tidbinbilla NR

Took Mark from RSA out to Tidbinbilla NR early in the morning for some birdwatching and found some nice stuff..

White-naped Honeyeater. There was a flock of about 12 birds all around us..and constantly moving so out of about 30 shots this is one of a few that had the bird sitting still!

White-eared Honeyeater.

Cheers Abe

Our good friend and honorary Baumgartner, Abel, flew back to Taiwan this week. Caleb really misses 'Uncle Abbie' so here's a little tribute.
Abe got us these matching coffee cups for Christmas.

Uncle Abbie and the boys!

Our brother from another mother

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fun in Leura

The best pie I've had in a long time! Bakery on Wentworth...Mmmmmm...

The moment before the stack! Caleb was having loads of fun flying up and down the path. That is, until his foot slipped off and he went for a tumble!

Brothers in arms...

Just hanging out...

NYE 2011

After making our way through the whole of Sydney we finally found a parking spot and made our way down to Jackson's Point.... now we just had to wait 5 hours till the fireworks went off! Thankfully it was an awesome area and the view was pretty spectacular!

Dinner time!

Look grandad, I've got a Discovery just like you used to have!

Everyone getting ready for the fireworks...

A sign-writing plane drew a smilie face above Sydney...

... then wrote the name JESUS ... how cool is that?!

Sydney skyline at dusk.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Leura Cascades

Blue Mountain wildlife

So Bex has done all the people shots from the week away at the Blue I'm going to do some of the wildlife and scenery pics for those interested!

Orchard Swallowtail Butterfly

Crescent Honeyeater

New Holland Honeyeater

Eastern Spinebill taking off


how many kids have superman for a bestie??

you know, we're just hangin out...

Well done Diesel!!

What can I say...
I'm a little nervous.... um.... big momma train....

The Baumie Boys Brigade

little legends...

What a cute little guy....

Caleb watched as the engine changed direction... he loved it... just not the noise.

Wouldn't you love to know what's going on in that little head??

happy happy boys.....

what a fun time...

Out and about in the Mountains

The family...

On the Zig Zag Railway

Caleb's new 'do' for school.... lovin' it!

Daddy & Caleb's birding expedition.

Daddy's turn to take photo....

Mummy's turn to take photo....

Christmas 2010 at the Blue Mountains

Friends forever......

Like two peas in a pod....

I have no idea what's going on here... but I like it!!!

Rocket ball... a hit!