

Thursday, June 24, 2010

JAM - the waiting room is finished!!!

Well, the waiting area is finally finished.... and now for the rooms!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm four.... and I rock!!

Vinegar.... baking powder....
10...9 ...8 ....7 ....6 ....5 ....4 ....3 ....2 ....1 .... POOF!

Waiting for blast off..... waiting... waiting... waiting...

Nice rocket...

Narooma Day Trip

At Nanna's place, relaxing in the yard.
Cute little man!

Stylin' baby, stylin!

A little porthole that has become synonomous with our trips along the boardwalk.

Caleb, teaching his little brother how it's done!

More from the Gold Coast

Caleb got a turn at sterring the Aquaduck!
Caleb's new buddy.... 'Pal'.

Caleb's purchase with his pocket money.... can't go past ice cream.